Travel Clinic London – Travel Alert, Mexico 29 January 2014
Mexico is reporting an outbreak of the H1N1 flu virus, this is in part due to unusually cold weather for the season. H1N1 or swine flu was declared as a new strain by the World Health organisation in 2009 following the 2009 pandemic.
H1N1 in Mexico
So far in Mexico 123 deaths have been declared in over 1200 cases, resulting in a case fatality rate of 10%. Those most at risk of suffering sever consequences are the elderly and infirm, the very young, pregnant mothers and those with chronic or life threatening disease, however Swine flu can effect people of any age.
Avoiding H1N1?
H1N1 has been incorporated into the annual flu vaccine offered to UK citizens at risk. Travellers to Mexico may wish to consider having the flu vaccination before travel to avoid taking ill. Get in touch with one of our Travel Clinics in London prior to your departure.