Traveller’s Diarrhoea: 5 Tips On How To Stay Safe
Traveller’s diarrhoea is a very common problem you might face when going overseas.
In fact, 70% of people who visit India will suffer from traveller’s diarrhoea during their visit. If you do visit countries with poor sanitation and poor water quality, thankfully there are ways to minimise your risks of getting seriously sick.
We’ve five top tips on staying safe when travelling in high-risk countries…it’s all about making better choices.
Tip 1 Drink from a purifying water bottle
We recommend the Aquapure Traveller water bottle. It features a high performance water purification system, designed for those places where water quality is dubious – or even dangerous.
Tip 2: Get well before you travel
A healthy person with a thriving immune system will fight germs and bacteria better than a sick person. We suggest taking pre or probiotics to make your tummy strong and ready.
Tip 3: Don’t eat ice cubes
Ice cubes are often made from local tap water – meaning there could be all sorts of nasties lurking that cause diarrhoea. Avoid at all costs.
Tip 4: Eat hot fresh food
The safest food is the hottest – steaming hot! Higher temperatures kill off any potential germs, so stay clear of cold foods, especially food that has been left out to cool at a buffet.

Tip 5: Pack rehydration salts
Traveller’s diarrhoea can cause you to lose a lot of body water, so it’s important you hydrate and replenish the body with essential salts and minerals. You’ll feel so much better.
Speak to us for more advice
Our friendly nurses are always happy to share travel tips and give even more advice on how to avoid traveller’s diarrhoea.
Watch our short YouTube video.
Our CEO and specialist immunisation and travel health nurse, Katy Peters, talks you through how to avoid traveller’s diarrhoea.