5 Things You Need To Know Before You Travel

Here at the London Vaccination Clinic we’re all about seeing the world. A successful trip – be it business or pleasure – requires some simple preparation before you jet off. Read on to discover the five things you need to know before you travel.

  1. Medical Insurance

This is a must. Medical insurance is there to provide financial assistance abroad – from lost luggage to hospital bills. Look for policies that provide repatriation – this covers the cost of bringing you home should you fall ill or have an accident. 

  1. Water Bottle

Apart from the fact that single-use bottles are damaging the environment, they’re not advisable when travelling to parts of the world where sanitation is an issue.  A reusable bottle with a filter is an essential travel companion. The filter really does purify the water so that it’s clean enough to drink. 

  1. Medical Kit

Tummy kits are useful, as are basic injury kits and a sterile kit. This covers you against trips, falls or minor injuries.

  1. Medication

Think about taking more medication than you need – and divide it up into two bags. That way if one bag goes rogue, you have a second vital set of medicine while you’re away. 

  1. Mosquito Kit

Another absolute must for pretty much all overseas travellers. Mosquitos bite during the day or at night, depending on the disease they carry – so you’re going to need to take a kit with you. 

Watch our short YouTube video: https://youtu.be/72W_UcUfOnc

Our CEO and specialist immunisation and travel health nurse, Katy Peters, explains in more detail about these five essentials.