London Travel Vaccination Clinic – Daily Update 9 June 2014

Daily Update 9 June 2014 from Destination Health: Travel Vaccination Clinic in London.


There have been reports of water-borne disease  in the Jammu and Kashmir states in India which has caused diarrhoea and vomiting in over 80 people including 12 confirmed cases of Typhoid. Contaminated water is the cause of this latest outbreak and travellers are reminded to drink only bottled water. 


15 cases of Malaria have been reported in the Aswan region of Southern Egypt since the start of May. Travellers to this region should consider appropriate malaria prophylaxis medication prior to travel to this region. Speak to one of our travel nurses at either of our Travel Clinics in London for further advice.

Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia

The outbreak of Ebola in West Africa continues to be a major health concern for the region. There have now been over 200 deaths in Guinea as well as deaths and confirmed cases in Sierra Leone and Liberia. Travellers to this region are advised to keep up-to-date with news reports and advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office regarding travel alerts.

Middle East

The latest figures from the outbreak of the Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) which started in Saudi Arabia report that there have been over 285 deaths from the disease. MERS is a severe respiratory illness which is related to the SARS virus. It is spread by infected people when they cough or sneeze. Travellers should be alert in crowded areas, avoid contact with people suspected to have this illness and practice high levels of hygiene.

The Caribbean

There has now been over 130,000 confirmed and suspected cases of Chikungunya Fever across seventeen countries across the Caribbean, which includes over 50,000 in the Dominican Republic. Chikungunya Fever causes intense pain in muscles and joints and high fevers. most people recover from the illness within a week or so. Travellers need to avoid being bitten by the daytime biting mosquitos that spread this disease. Avoidance measures include using DEET 50% insect repellant and covering areas of exposed skin. 

South Sudan

The recent Cholera Outbreak that has spread across South Sudan in the wake of overcrowding and unsanitary conditions following people fleeting the fighting in the country has now claimed the lives of 29 people. Travellers to this region should consider a cholera vaccination from either of our travel clinics in London to help reduce the risk of contracting this disease.


Over 900 people have been affected by a recent outbreak of Cholera in Nepal which has also claimed the lives of two people. The outbreak which started about a month ago was caused by the local water source being contaminated by sewerage. Travellers to this area should always avoid tap water and only drink bottled water.

South East Asia

There have been a number of outbreaks of Measles across countries in South East Asia in including Vietnam, Indonesia and The Philippines. Travellers should ensure that they are up-to-date with their routine vaccination schedule which includes the measles vaccine. Reports suggest that unvaccinated travellers are returning home from countries in this region and helping to spread the disease in their home countries.