Daily Travel Health Update, October 4th 2014
Dengue Fever – Guangdong, Southern China
Details regarding the Dengue Fever epidemic in South China today confirm that the number of cases now totals 16,784, representing an increase in Dengue victims of 2077.8% over last year’s statistics.
The season during which the dengue mosquito (aedes aegypti) is still a threat is not near its normal end, and could continue for some time yet. This year’s outbreak is the worst in 20 years in this region, where high temperatures and excessively heavy rains have resulted in a breeding season for mosquitoes that is 5 times longer than normal.
Dengue Fever – Singapore
Ongoing reports from Singapore regarding the Dengue Fever outbreak confirm that there are more than 15,000 recorded cases of the disease. Singapore is still in the midst of the Dengue season, and any travel to this region should be undertaken with caution, since the only protection against Dengue is prevention from being bitten. Insecticides, protective clothing, and mosquito nets sprayed with insecticide are essential if you are visiting an affected area.
Measles – Vietnam
As the number of Measles cases continue to increase in Vietnam, the CDC has issued a travel notice for the South-east Asian country. At present, officials report close to 11,000 suspected, and 3,688 confirmed cases of measles. Prior to finalizing travel arrangements for a Vietnam visit, be sure that your immunization against measles is up-to-date. Either one of our two conveniently-situated Travel Health Clinics in London will be happy to assist you with your travel vaccination requirements. Please contact us at least 4-6 weeks before your departure date.
Plague – Gansu Province – China
A case of Plague has appeared in Gansu Province, China, with one death reported, after which more than 40 people in the area have been quarantined. Thus far, none of the people in quarantine have become symptomatic. Gansu is situated in China’s western inland region, on the upper reaches of the Yellow River.
Demonstrations and Arrests – Hong Kong
As protesters continue to swarm Hong Kong’s financial district, neither side in the ongoing confrontation between pro-democracy activists and government shows any signs of relenting. Despite continued warnings from Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, C.Y. Leung, protest groups, are adamant. Tensions have reached a new level, with 19 arrests having been made on Friday night, following some violence in the Mong Kok district, resulting in at least 50 persons being injured, between protesters and counter-protesters. Despite an ultimatum issued by the Chief Executive, little has changed to alleviate an already volatile situation. Visitors to Hong Kong should remember to keep up-dated on daily, and even hourly changes in this situation.
Anthrax – Zimbabwe
A town in the Zhukwe region of Gwanda in Zimbabwe reports an outbreak of Anthrax, which has killed 25 cattle, and left 3 persons sick with the infection. While Anthrax cannot be transmitted from person to person, it can develop through handling contaminated meat or by eating the meat of an infected animal. Officials report that the outbreak has been contained, however, anyone visiting Zimbabwe. Should be especially careful about the foods they eat, as well as their origin.